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Hey guys, finally writing again! Leave constructive criticism for me in the comments; all is appreciated and I'll read all the comments I can! Hopefully this story will continue if enough people like it.
Matt saw her for the first time when she entered the gym, already changed for class. He noticed her out of the corner of his eye as she strolled lazily by him, evidently as uninterested in the class as himself.

Matt wasn’t the most enthusiastic about gym class; in fact he was only taking it because he had too. He needed one more year of gym to graduate high school, and he wanted to get it out of the way during this year, his junior year.

The gym class was a mixed bag when it came to the ages of the students; all four years were mixed up into one big group. Matt had been sitting on the bottom bleacher, waiting for the rest of the students to show up and class to start. He had been sitting with his head partially down, his long bangs covering most of his field-of-view, as was the usual case when he was bored. Matt preferred to make as little eye contact as possible unless he was the one initiating it. He happened to look around shifting his hair out of his eyes when she walked by. He was immediately interested in her.

Matt had never seen this girl before, so he assumed her to be a freshman. All he saw was the tail end of her by the time he got a good look, but he loved what he saw. He judged her to be about 5’5”, a head shorter than him. She had very slender legs, reminding him of those of a young doe. He noticed with great pleasure that her inner thighs gave the slightest jiggle as she walked. Her legs remained slender up to her small but very pronounced backside. She had relatively thin hips that weren’t much wider than her waist, and her long blonde hair, which she kept in a ponytail, ended right about at the small of her back.

She was wearing typical gym clothes for a teenaged girl: black yoga shorts that clung tightly to her thin legs and a white t-shirt tucked into the shorts. As she turned to sit at the empty spot she had walked to, Matt got a look at her profile. What he saw attracted him even more to her. She had relatively large breasts for her frame, but they didn’t look obnoxiously large. Her face was adorable, not stunningly beautiful, but Matt almost preferred it, thinking on her it looked perfect.

Matt looked away; he didn’t want anyone to notice him staring, most of all the girl that was the object of his looks. He was ecstatic to be in the same class as this beauty, but at the same time felt nervous. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of her. Gym wasn’t exactly an area he could show off in. He was competent but not anything impressive. He decided it would be best to not bother with talking to her. He wasn’t one to take risks, and the least-risky play would be just jerking off to the memory off her tonight in the safety of his bedroom.

That was until the coach partnered them up for fitness testing.

Matt cursed the coach with every breath as he approached his partner. “This is going to be the worst day of my fucking life,” he muttered as he stood next to her, trying to maintain his composure. On the plus side, at least he knew her name, since when the coach had called her “Emi”, she picked her head up and nodded. As the coach went through all of the things they were to be tested on, she fidgeted nervously next to him. Matt sympathized with her here; she was being partnered with a junior as a freshman on her first day in high school.

“Alright,” the coach finished, clapping his hands to gain attention. “Everyone start at a station and get going.”

Matt looked down at Emi as she nervously looked around at the other students moving to get started. He thought he might as well break the awkward ice now. “So, anywhere you want to start at?”

Emi jumped slightly, like the sound of Matt’s voice had spooked her or pulled her back to reality. “Uhh,” she pondered, putting a hand under her chin. “I’m good at stretching. That wouldn’t be a bad place to start.”

They walked over to the designated stretching area. Matt thought the universe was just fucking with him now, making him watch this beautiful girl stretch. Emi sat on the floor, legs outstretched in front of her, placing the measuring board between her heels. Matt decided to sit down next to her and watch as she reached as far as she could and marked it down. She seemed fairly flexible, stretching almost parallel to the floor with ease. Matt decided to make a comment on this. “Wow,” he remarked as she passed the board to him. “You weren’t kidding.”

She blushed and looked at her feet. “Yeah,” she almost whispered. “I’ve always been really flexible.”

“Well,” Matt replied, placing the board between his two feet. “Maybe you’ll have enough for both of us. I’m awful.” Emi blushed and stood up quickly.

Once they were done stretching, they moved between areas. She seemed to be warming up to him a little, making her own small talk from time to time. They kept doing the mundane fitness tasks, with Matt failing to perform exceptionally on any and Emi doing generally well.

They moved to do one of their last objectives: push-ups. Matt hated push-ups with every fiber of his being. He’d be lucky if he could do even one. “I’ll go first, might as well embarrass myself now,” he joked at Emi. She nodded and smiled in response.

Matt got into the planking position and prepared to put his miserable failure into motion. He lowered himself to the floor and pushed back up. Back down again he went, but on the way back up he gave out and was done with push-ups for the day. Standing up, he saw Emi giggling at him.
“Do you want to do better?” he asked her teasingly.

“Oh, for sure,” she replied with her own joking inflection. “Watch and learn!”

Emi lowered herself in the same position and Matt couldn’t help but admire the view he was receiving, with Emi’s tight little behind pointed straight skyward and all. She managed to get two push-ups done before collapsing in the same way Matt had before getting up and dusting herself off. “Well,” she sighed, looking at the spot she had been doing push-ups “Hope you enjoyed the view, while it lasted.” This time it was Matt’s turn to turn red as she laughed and gave his shoulder a light punch.

Gym class was over all too soon, in Matt’s opinion. He himself was surprised at how rapidly he had hit it off with Emi; she seemed to be a generally interesting girl and fun to be around. Once they were both changed and ready for the class to end, Matt approached her as she stood waiting for the bell to ring.

Emi looked to him as he approached, a slight smile appearing on her face as she saw him coming to her. “Hey,” she said as he came closer. “Thought you’d be done with me since we’re not partners anymore.”

Matt didn’t really know how to respond, but he didn’t want to tell Emi all of what he felt so he simply said, “Well, you’re a pretty nice girl to be around, and I figured that since you’re a freshman, you’d appreciate someone being nice to you on your first day.”

“Yeah,” she replied, looking down at the ground again. “Thanks a bunch for that. I don’t really know anyone else in this school so someone even talking to me is really sweet.”

“Hey, no problem,” Matt replied, giving her a wide smile. “It was really nice being your partner. I hope we can talk some more tomorrow in class.”

Emi started fidgeting again, still looking at the floor intently. “Well,” she almost whispered in the same tone as before. “We don’t have to wait until tomorrow. If you want I could give you my phone number.” She looked like she regretted saying those words as soon as they left her mouth.

“Sure thing!” Matt replied, internally whooping with joy. This girl had offered her number to him? He didn’t even have to ask? This day was going amazingly!

Matt got Emi’s number into his phone right before the bell rang. As they set off to their next classes, she ended up further down the hallway, ahead of him. Matt swore he saw some extra sway in her step as she walked the hall. The last he saw of her was her slender legs entering another classroom. He sighed to himself. The wait to get home and text her was going to be torturous.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-02 13:57:02
when is the next part coming?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-02 22:20:04
i need more

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-17 10:43:52
Very good buildup.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-16 23:54:38
Nice can't wait for the next part

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-16 21:44:40
He couldn't do a single pushup? Goddamn

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