Comments from PatC

Date Story title Comment
2016-02-18 18:41:37 Strange Dreams Steve and both Anons,
Thanks for the input guys. I can't say sex with a dog hasn't crossed my mind in the last few months, but I'm not sure it's something I could bring myself to do, however tempting it may be. Once you do it, you can't undo it. But it is food for thought and reading some of the stories here has left me open to the idea. Still mulling it over,
2016-02-19 11:31:56 Strange Dreams Thanks for the comments, guys. I was worried that I'd get a lot of nonsense, but it all seems to be honest opinions. i contacted Gina (not her real name BTW), had her read the story and get her opinion. She wasn't so flip this time. Her few was similar to everybody else. Wait, think it over, and only procceed if and when I'm sure. At that time she can arrainge it. But she said she would have to have a long talk with me first to explain a few things. She stated it's a little different from what you read in these stories and not for everyone. I have become more and more obsessed with the idea in the last 24 hours. We shall see.
Thanks again everybody.
2016-02-20 01:03:02 Strange Dreams MrJ, I won't have a sit down with Gina untill next week. As you pointed out in your first comment, there is more to be considered than mere sex. I can't make any decisions untill I know the facts. I probably won't decide before next Wednesday.
2016-02-26 04:12:45 Strange Dreams To all who've followed my strange little saga; after much thought, I've decided that this is something I can't do. As intriguing as it may be physically (and it is), the risk of psycological damage is to great. I've learned that many women who have intercourse with animals end up displaying signs of depression, redused self-esteem, and paranoia. Even my friend Gina has said that it's always with you. This is not for me, if my dreams are strange now, what would they be like later? This is something fantasize about, masterbate to, but be left undone. I'd like to thank you for your time,
2016-02-25 06:40:46 Strange Dreams MrJ, still not 100% sure, but I think I want to do this. If I do I will write about it and post it.