Comments from fatdogscott

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-22 10:12:56 Brian and Brianna - Chapter One Sorry about the tag issue... I'm not sure how that happened, and I'm not sure how to change it.

Thanks for the support.
2013-03-23 10:50:19 Brian and Brianna - Chapter One I've sent in a petition to correct the tags to "Teen Male / Teen Female"... just waiting on a response. Again, I'm really sorry about that.

I'm in the middle of writing Chapter Two, but it may take a while as I'm about to return to work for several weeks. I truly appreciate all of the positive comments. You spammers can take a hike though.
2013-03-24 17:21:38 Brian and Brianna - Chapter One To those taking the time to write a constructive comment about my story, I want to say thank you. It is very welcomed and appreciated, good or bad.

To those that are looking for a call girl or whatever...
This isn't a billboard for want-ads. Knock off the damn spamming!