Comments from sandiegopussyeating

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-09 00:46:17 Lost Empire 40 Well worth the wait please continue writing there's only a few good writers left here
2017-03-08 23:33:36 Gray Jedi Ch. 8 Please continue this series I don't find many active writer that are quality on this site anymore honestly I've only found a hand full so please continue this story signed in just to comment
2019-03-15 08:49:13 The Prophecy Ch. 7 I love the contrast between real and surreal life although you may want to consider how yoshi will feel about his mom and sister being involved in his sex life assuming he lives haha also with stories of quality we hope you take your time and keep the quality just hopefully not take another year for the next post honestly I got lucky seeing this story on the front page of recent posts and remembered your writing handle and story name
2019-04-11 02:27:58 The Prophecy Ch. 7 I think that would be awesome one really great writer on here ka Hammond actually started a second account where he post his stories in full instead of by chapter
2020-04-30 18:51:28 Sam 23 Wow you are a great writer. I was wondering if you have considered for your completed stories a repost with the store not broken up or creating two accounts like “ka hamand “ did with “Kenneth Hammond “ in order to post all the chapters in one longer novel I’ve been reading your stuff for years and love re-reading most of them but scrolling through you have written a lot