Comments from Wild Thing

Date Story title Comment
2008-12-16 18:33:20 Goddess in Chains Tricky.... This was a PWP or Plot What Plot... If i do redo it however I will develop more of a plot
2009-05-05 00:01:44 First Night in Hell Part 3 Don't sell Samantha but do grab her sister.
"Second .. bring in the sister like you are.. the mother if at all can come later.. use the relationship between the sisters for torture... maybe using a one way mirror so only one can see the other at first...making promises and watching in horror as they are sexually stimulated and made to cum while watching their sibling being sexually tormented.. then putting them in the same room.. and doing it again..but this time forcing them to play with each other...

That would be a good area to expand upon... extort promises and secrets from them during this process to expand your plot line."

I agree with that person entirely. It sounds like an excellent plan... If Jason hadn't already said something about bringing in the mother he could "reveal it" that she was already one of his personal slaves.
2009-11-19 00:33:51 Newly Submissive Needs more spice to it. It reads well but is very bland.