Comments from ne0s

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-10 18:08:25 Humiliating Housewarming-party_(1) And thanks @ the others (16.30 + 16.53) for your comments! :)
2016-08-10 18:07:42 Humiliating Housewarming-party_(1) It's a picture of me, I thought it was OK to add it since it's my fantasy. Sorry to hear you quit reading but thanks for your feedback :)
2016-08-14 18:13:12 Humiliating Housewarming-party_(1) Its shaved so cant show it.. ;) But not all natural redheads have a red bush as well... same goes for any hearcolor. If you look at the eyebrow you also know the color of the bush. Hint: my eyebrows are brown ;)
2016-08-13 00:28:06 Humiliating Housewarming-party_(1) Thanks, great to see you anjoyed the stoy and pic :) Actuallly i do have more, what do you want to see?