Comments from FuzzyBare31

Date Story title Comment
2016-11-08 21:22:01 The River_(2) It's always a strange feeling in my groin reading of humans mated by animals. I've only heard tell it really happens, by a few 'rural' friends I trust and believe. I've also noticed a online videos proving it is reality - just never met anyone ... with that kind of smile. Your story is very well written and vary believable ... even if you pen name implies a Texas connection. I enjoy your works; extremely stimulating ... in my opinion. What else counts? Hope to meet you some day, in text or in person. Tony C in N Texas (73 and still married, alive, alert and attentive to my bride of 53 yrs).
2016-11-09 21:11:29 Sister's Surprise_(0) Has a great 'flow' to it - from his and her ... and Her perspective. Very intriguing twist on incest. Very enthused to see so many more Chapters; you already know you have a solid fan base with growing reader support. Glad I can be one of them. Wish this 73 yr old had the opportunity to know more of the author. T Clarke