Comments from JMBurrito

Date Story title Comment
2017-08-11 05:41:40 Broken by her Dog good job, but this is basically just a rewrite on here of another story. Like there are parts that seem almost exactly copy and pasted. Your first story so whatever, but flesh out your own original ideas, or if you do borrow from someones work again, change it more
2016-12-06 01:09:16 Slave Isla_(0) this was just copied from a different story on here. All you did was change the names and cut out the last paragraph
2016-12-08 03:09:25 Hunting Season-Part 1 No they do not, but we'll just have to see what the future holds. This is only part one after all
2017-05-09 19:33:14 The End of the World but New Start inconsistent, your thoughts don't match up, holes everywhere. You have an idea but don't know how to flesh it out. Seemed very rushed. Read, a lot. Read other books and get a sense of how to write.
2017-05-09 19:34:37 The End of the World but New Start Like, i'm not that good either but i try to make it flow and I proofread. Try reading it aloud before submission, see how it actually sounds.