Comments from GirthyMcBigpenis

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-08 22:05:47 Jake's Saga - Ch. 05 - Extra Credit 2 Thanks for the positive support. Ch 6 might be a week or two away. I have quite a bit going on for a promotion at work. I'll have more time to write after everything dies down.
2017-01-01 08:49:43 Jake's Saga - Ch. 04 - Extra Credit It's been posted, just awaiting approval. I'm writing Ch 6 now.
2016-12-29 03:13:43 Jake's Saga - Ch. 04 - Extra Credit Story will be continuing. Work is very hectic right now. I have Ch 5 written, but I still have to revise it. I have the long term arc mapped out in my head. I just haven't been able to write it out yet. Thanks for the support!
2017-01-05 22:20:54 Jake's Saga - Ch. 05 - Extra Credit 2 Ch 6 is still being written. Based on the feedback from this story, I might look at re-writing ch 5.

I'm hoping to release a chapter a week from here on out. But I can't make any guarantees.