Comments from Lukas Grey

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-24 04:54:43 Falling Thanks for the interest so far folks! For those interested I am doing editing and working on a part two and most likely a part three as well!
2017-02-07 04:26:34 Falling First, let me say thank you to all of you for all the amazing support! This story has exceeded my every expectation and I am really happy to see that so many people have enjoyed it!

I want to thank those of you that have left positive votes and really want to thank those of you that have taken the time to comment (except for the jerk that that commented about the sexy singles... that person can suck a bag of dicks!).

Those kinds of comments have really helped me to keep on keeping on. For those looking for an update, I'm about half way through the second book at this point and have enough plot outlined for at least two more books! Right now, I'm working on gettting an editor, though I've struggled a bit in getting someone that isn't going to flake out on me...

For those of you wishing to send me more private feedback, you can email me at!

You are all amazing, and I love each and every one of you!
2017-12-22 19:58:02 Vibrations Sam, thanks for the kind comment! It actually is published as an ebook right now. Mainly I'm just working to build an audience and I realize that I need to give a little to the community in order to build that!