Comments from DarlingDeath

Date Story title Comment
2017-02-07 08:06:44 wedding Anniversary_(0) You see, the only thing that pisses me off about this is how at the begining it explains how for most of their marraige he's been neglecting her sexually. Now, I would have still went with it but once it was over i would have left his bitch ass and rode into the sunset with the mistress. I'm all for sharing but I better know about it and I better be his main priority. Otherwise it was good, a lot of puncuation mistakes but they're easy to look over because the sex scene was pretty hot.
2017-07-09 04:49:02 Home alone with Alyssa part 4. I see her and Brad as two people who loves and trusts and has absolute faith in the other. So much to where they trust one another with other people. I think that's beautiful.