Comments from HappyCannuck

Date Story title Comment
2017-09-19 15:36:29 Our First Meeting part 2 I hear you on that. Make sure to proof read, or have someone do it for you. Also, spacing. Stories are easier to read when your paragraph structure is correct. Finally, be careful on your "Know" vs "No", "There" vs "Their" etc. Grammar and sentence structure go along way. Proof reading will help avoid thing like " When u heard this my cock started to stand" Simple typo... "u" instead of the "I" you intended. Good story premise. Don't let the people who have never submitted a story get you down. Keep writing, keep creating. As for blunt/rude comments from people, ignore it. This is the internet and some people can't help themselves. I have not read the third installment yet. Keep it up :)
2017-09-19 15:41:49 Our First Meeting Part 3 I know I just commented on Chap 2. You would not have had a chance to put any of my suggestions into practice yet. Just give it a shot and see how it goes for you. Check out any CAW threads in the Forum area. A LOT of experienced writers there and they are glad to help out new writers :) Tons of advice over there. I'm rating you based on your idea and the effort you put into this. Putting your work out there is never easy.