Member since 2017/02/25


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Favorites of Hexwolfx

Title Genre Read Rating Themes
3 Evil Sisters-Part 1 Fiction 1012548 times. 95.8 % Incest, Male / Older Female, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity
Rob's Girls Fantasy 151908 times. 95.7 % Males / Females, Virginity
Sexy Sisters and Mom Fantasm 1264713 times. 94.2 % Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Hardcore, Incest, Male Domination, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Spanking, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Females
The Camera Fiction 81825 times. 92.1 % Consensual Sex, Incest, Teen Male / Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, Virginity, Voyeurism
The Garage Sale_(0) Fiction 114375 times. 92 % Blackmail, Consensual Sex, Male/Female, Mature
LifeSim: Breeding Edition, Ch. 02 Fiction 136413 times. 90.2 % Cheating, Consensual Sex, Male/Female, Mind Control, Pregnant, Reluctance
Bred Among the Stars Fantasy 102105 times. 87.3 % Anal, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Drug, Extreme, Group Sex, Hardcore, Humiliation, Latina, Lesbian, Mind Control, Monster, Pregnant, Rape, Slavery, Virginity, Written by women
The Creators: Chapter 3 Redux Fiction 9021 times. 85.7 % Blowjob, Oral Sex, Teen, Transgendered, Virginity