Comments from Doombar

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-22 14:56:40 Shaving My Sis Christy I loved the story I thought the way Mom & Christy (they because they were already at it) were acting what with the I'll show you mine if you show me yours in the kitchen were basically trying to seduce Kelly.(okay the banana becoming a vibro then banana again was a slight hiccup but what the heck) Brilliant hot steamy tale Ryan can't wait for part 2.
2017-03-20 21:36:45 I Spy on my Big Sister I loved this one I hope there's a part 2. Mafia Bitch I'm a massive fan of your stories so keep up the good work thanks.
2017-03-20 17:10:16 the office_(1) My girlfriend and I both loved this hot story we can't wait for the next installment of this steamy tale thank you for posting.
2017-03-20 14:19:55 Showering With My Sexy Sister Loved it roll on part two.
2017-03-20 10:14:23 Seduced In The Rain Part two please A.S.A.P. that was hot.