Comments from Seductive Fonts

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-16 14:35:24 An Unexpected Vacation_(1) Really good story! Only thing is, start a new line after each person has said something, rather than just putting a full stop and carrying on. It makes it flow better and makes it easier for the reader. Keep it up :)
2017-08-31 15:45:20 Trucking with Becky Chapter 1 Really good story! A few tips tho; when characters are speaking, start a new line each time the person talking changes.

Becky said
I said
Becky said

Rather than Becky said. I said. Belly said.
It will make ur story flow better. :)

Looking forward to part two!¡!¡!
2017-08-31 15:45:22 Trucking with Becky Chapter 1 Really good story! A few tips tho; when characters are speaking, start a new line each time the person talking changes.

Becky said
I said
Becky said

Rather than Becky said. I said. Belly said.
It will make ur story flow better. :)

Looking forward to part two!¡!¡!
2017-08-31 15:45:59 Trucking with Becky Chapter 1 Not sure why that posted twice :/
2017-09-05 09:45:06 Two Sisters, One Bed As this wise man below has stated. Part 2 pllllzzzzz :)