Comments from ToxicShade

Date Story title Comment
2017-04-28 07:34:24 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13 I have been reading back through again while waiting as well as reading some other stories and I would suggest incestuous harem by mypenname3000 as it is a great series somewhat akin to this one I might also recommend Agenius in King Arthurs court by auguy86 or The Prophecy by storyweaver990 these are all good stories to help you get through to POI's next installment.
2017-05-12 10:29:57 Doctor's Incestuous Family Chapter 9: Pregnant Mommy and Sis First a question: why was this chapter so rushed? Also do you plan to continue this universe or is it over because the way you ended it makes it feel like you don't like it and want to be done.