Comments from warriorboy0900

Date Story title Comment
2018-04-18 00:39:02 Master! Master! Part 14 Love this story and how you have managed to keep a leash on it even with the introduction of so many more characters! Something that might be helpful in the future is a list of all the animals transformed by the Master and Mistress. I love the story, but I am also wondering if there will be any more major points of conflict? Thank you for a truly refreshing, funny, and erotic story.
2018-05-07 23:25:19 Candy From Strangers 3 : Bonding With the Boys A very strange story, not like what is normally seen on this site. Interested in the way you go about the storyline, even if the plot reads just like every other incest story on here. Would greatly benefit you to invest in a text editor like Grammarly to fix the many grammar issues running rampant in your stories.