Comments from Garion101

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-24 02:16:15 The Prophecy Ch. 5 Hell, man. If you'd write it as a book(without the sex part ofc), it would've probably been in the NY times' best sellers. It's Belgriad, Harry potter, Sword of Truth (etc) league.
You seriously need to consider being an author.
2020-07-23 10:48:02 A Story of the Paper Vow Great story! Personally, I didn't notice too many grammar mistakes (maybe that's just me). Hope to see this story continues.
2020-10-06 15:43:04 2300 Gathering Part II Dude, please make this a sequel! I absolutely love your stories!
2020-12-10 21:36:56 How Traditions Start – part 18 Another great chapter in an exceptional series!
2021-04-08 09:07:11 Vacation By The Lake:3 Your stories are great! My only problem with them is the occasional spelling mistakes. Other than that, it's all very hot!