Comments from sugary_sugar

Date Story title Comment
2017-09-12 23:41:02 The Island Part 3_(1) Wow...I've read all 3 parts to this story and my mind is blown. It's way too cute and sweet! You're a great writer, keep it up!! It's nice to find stories with proper writing style and sentence structures on this website xD
2017-09-12 23:43:26 From Best Friends to Something More This was adorable!!! I would've really loved a backstory to their friendship and a continuation :D
2017-09-24 17:25:32 Unrequited - Chapter 1 : Backstory_(2) I really wish this would've continued. This chapter broke my heart and I really wanted a happy ending, even if it isn't what happened in reality
2017-12-20 19:03:39 Sailing in Thailand Omfg this was too good...please continue it!