Comments from GetSomeSauce
Date | Story title | Comment |
2010-05-12 08:44:20 | A Sumer With Amber Chapter 10 | Dogs.. Come on now.. That's just not right. |
2010-06-08 00:13:19 | An incest birthday chapter 6 | OMG you're right. It might be stephanie. His dad probably found her and invited her over to the cabin. That'll make Rita so jealous if she's there. Can't wait :D |
2010-09-14 05:41:06 | An incest birthday chapter 9 | Make the father leave the family or something just so that he isn't in it. I just don't want this series to end. |
2011-05-06 23:43:49 | Awesome story. Don't stop with the new chapters :) | |
2011-05-22 00:42:28 | An incest birthday chapter 15 | For everyone saying to get this published.. I don't think it's legal to publish incest correct me if I'm wrong -Getsomesauce |