Comments from pin-prick

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-23 18:50:48 Marley and Lily But you didn't eat them out to compare their tasty juices when you finished!
2018-05-23 19:29:14 I Had Always Wanted ..... Part 1 AHH, YES! A story with a heart! More, I see, coming up!
2018-05-23 20:38:46 Dreams come true part 2 OH, the memories of being 14! I played with a group of usually 5, 12-15year old boys. We sucked and fucked for an hour or two every day that summer and continued meeting most afternoons after school. We were mostly in an empty, run-down building. One afternoon, we were surprised to be caught by a girl! The other guys cussed at her and told her to leave. She said that she was 'Gay For Girls' but couldn't help but watch us. She wanted to be fucked by a boy just to know how it feels. She was built like a boy and looked like one. I was the only guy willing to do it for her, BUT she felt so good that we did bit off and on for nearly 40 years. We were each other's first and always enjoyed it. She stayed Lesbo, and I went Straight, but we agreed that we were best together. She turned me on to several other Lesbos for their experience.
2018-06-12 16:29:02 The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #3 Would you mind, terribly much, posting an actual time-frame of the sequence of your stories? The editing interferes with the true order of the list. I constructed a list using the dated comments to try, when needed, and I feel that it is somewhat accurate. I DO like your work, very much! It is reminiscent of my teen years, which were quite fruitful! Please continue. You could post an order of sequence as a (very) short story and make life better for those with ADD and other encumbrances. Thanks, and please increase your output!
2018-06-12 18:53:13 The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #3 I forgot to mention that I noticed there is NOT a Julie 1 chapter.