Comments from Ebert O

Date Story title Comment
2019-08-03 11:01:38 A Quiet Friday – His Story (Part 1) Dear readers -
This is the first story I have written and it has several more parts that are yet to be posted. I am polishing the details of those now. I appreciate you positive reaction to what you have read, so far. It's encouraging to know you are enjoying my story.
Please vote and please leave comments.
2020-02-29 13:48:46 'Lad & Me in the Barn' Great story, well written. Thanks
2020-05-17 18:53:34 A Quiet Friday – His Story (Part 4){revised} I read and appreciate your comments. So please vote and comment on my stories. Thanks
2021-02-06 14:30:49 A Quiet Friday -- Her Story (Part 1) {revised} Dear Trib Fan - be patient. This time line is paralleling "his story". Part 2 will have some action for you.
2021-09-03 14:58:16 At Your Service Nice story. But I agree with throatHER. You often confuse the reader with her dialog and his reaction (or vis-a-versa) in the same paragraph. For example,

..."OK, I can wait, but just tell me that there's a chance we might." She looked down shyly.

"I'm sorry if you think I'm a tease...

would be better written,

"OK, I can wait, but just tell me that there's a chance we might."

She looked down shyly. "I'm sorry if you think I'm a tease...

Please be flattered by this criticism, which is only justified because this is an otherwise excellent story. Keep up the great story telling!