Comments from Steveo379

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-21 01:03:43 Potential Part 24 I read through this series this weekend, it is absolutely amazing! I was wondering how much longer until Deanna and Evan got together, I almost gave up hope honestly. I have read a few other long series on this site, I can not wait for the next chapter. Honestly though, I am curious to see how or if you get Evan and those he loves away from his shitty father, as well as who winds up together at the end.
2018-05-22 00:10:17 Potential Part 24 Bistander I did read chapter 6, tried to register an account just to find out where it was, but xnxx took its sweet time approving my account this weekend. lol But thanks to the comments here I found and read it. But the rest of the story i read on this site. Also, i am actually a slow reader, however, it peaked my interest a lot so it made it much easier to read.
2018-07-04 18:33:08 Potential Part 25 Absolutely amazing yet again, olease continue your amazing work! I can not wait for the next one and to see where this leads for Evan and those around him.
2019-05-28 00:55:37 Potential Part 28 Well, I as usual, still can't wait to read more. This is an absolutely amazing story line you have going, I honestly can not wait to see what happens next. I was a bit worried, as I hadn't seen anything in quite some time from last year, but I was really happy to see you had continued it, I was worried there was nothing new coming for this story. Keep up the amazing work, I can't wait to see what is in store.