Comments from Akamaru Inuzuka Thomas

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-25 06:24:14 Going Bi Growing up as a bi, guy has been hard on me. This Story is one of best Ive seen so far and read plus Incest turns me on, I know that may sound weird but two brothers screwing is very hot. Hope you contuine to make good stories you have a new fan and that would be me Xd
2018-07-25 06:43:33 from curious to first time part 6 Very hot. i like this, it helps people understand what bi guys have to go through. Over the years since I was 13 I have had many guys, Some became friends with benefits others boyfriends I still see some but most of them have moved on. Its hard when You dont know what people think of you, in this world people are crual i have learned from that, thanks for the read keep up the godly work
2018-07-25 07:20:02 I Love My Brother Er Not bad, I wont lie i like brothers together but this as just as hot nice
2018-07-25 07:45:03 Hung High School Senior Please make another tbis was very very hot man. I injoyed it hope to see more
2018-07-25 07:45:46 Hung High School Senior Please make another tbis was very very hot man. I injoyed it hope to see more