Comments from The Thundercloud

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-06 11:07:39 Queen Yavara: Chapter 1 Very interesting beginning. I have not read the story before but found it sexy and well written. The twist at the end was good. Are you planning to rewrite the rest of the chapters?
2019-04-26 20:53:55 With the Mirror Came.. Chapter 6 Thank you D1xon for the great encouragement. Unfortunately you should not expect the chapter to appear any time soon. I have done a fair deal of work on the next chapter and have sent over the first half to a betareader, but there still a fair number of pages left to write. Having the chapter out somewhere between june and september seem like a reasonable guess.
2019-09-04 21:10:25 With the Mirror Came.. Chapter 6 Current status is that the bulk of the next chapter is done, but there is still some editing left to do after feedback from the beta reader.

I am still aiming to have the chapter out in september,...but it depend on if the muses agree to assist when I get free time.
2020-05-15 18:21:21 G.S.P. Chapter 13/13 - Final Battle for the G.S.P Thank you rlcsub63 for the encouraging words. Your support means a lot for me. To be mentioned together with Clancy and Patterson feels kind of strange, but in a good way.

As for the matter of waiting for publish the whole story until it is be honest this is not the first time I publish the story and that helps a lot. When possible I like to tell the reader how many chapters to there are to expect, but considering I am going round robin between stories there might be quite some time between updates of the stories.