Comments from taadaa

Date Story title Comment
2020-11-14 21:43:46 Dealing with the local Bully Great story can’t wait for more. Thank you!
2021-01-27 23:03:44 A Lonely Mom Loves Her Son Ch. 1 - 3 Wonderful story, loved it, can’t wait to read more.
2021-10-16 04:05:49 Sandy's Trip to Mexico (Part 1) Good story line, but the story line reads like a non-binary. The my, and I. Rather then, he, she, his, hers, man, woman, etc. It really destroys the flow to the reader. You do wright good, the I, and my.
Really made this read very difficult.
2021-11-05 18:56:08 Invisibility Fantastic read, I can’t wait for more.