Comments from Hungry_Hound

Date Story title Comment
2020-09-14 22:02:44 Families Desire Bt888, This is a great story and it has some legs, if you want to go there (please)? I can see at least two more chapters, one how the rest of this weekend is spent at the cabin, and another how the "family" spends their new life together. I'm sure there'd be lots of fans of that story line. It would even make a great adult film! Thanks for your effort
2020-09-14 22:39:44 Stranded Daddies Good story, but had to laugh when I came across the word "Mulatto", LMFAO so ignorant.... The word mulatto comes from the Latin word "Mula" which is the term for a donkey and horse mixed offspring. I doubt most educated use that word any longer
2020-10-16 16:00:34 The Jeff and Ellie Archives . . . Episodes 3 & 4 This is a well written, erotic story. I'm already imagining the next few chapters. Can't wait to read them. Could you please start writing them? That ending, holy crap. It's as if we were really watching them. Big fan of your writing.
2020-10-16 23:28:20 My Sisters’ Tits Great story, I'd rate 100% if I could....
2020-10-20 17:21:16 The Things We Do at Home - part 5 and final Loved the story, but "Now?" Jessica asked her brother, alarmed. "Yes now." Chris answered. "What if mom or uncle Shawn come up?" She asked. "All they'll see is us writing a mail. Come on." Chris said" After all the Incest Sex, they're worried about getting busted writing an email? Where were the Mom and Uncle during all this sex? Sounds like they were making a hella lot of noise? They must have had ear plugs in..... :)