Comments from grahamk58

Date Story title Comment
2020-11-25 19:35:03 kate becoming a bitch part 4 Love your stories so far and would love to read more of your slutty adventures x
2021-02-15 20:27:42 07 - The Chico Tales Love your chico series, it's just a pity it stopped a few years ago now.
I don' know if you will see this but I hope you add more when you can.
Please don't be put off be negative arsehole's, eg albertofatto.....don't know why he read all 7 episodes if he didn't like them!!!
Take care.
2021-07-04 21:30:51 My parents are exhibitionists, and now so am I Hi Joe, I have just read and loved your story.
I liked the build of the characters and think you have enough for at least one, if not more follow ups.
You have 4F and 4M and Amy's aunt, no mention if she has a husband or not! There is also the option, via the website or other girls from school being added.
The fact these girls are sometimes leading the adults would not seem believable if they were younger, 18 year old's make it more so.
2021-07-04 21:31:56 My parents are exhibitionists, and now so am I Hi Joe, I have just read and loved your story.
I liked the build of the characters and think you have enough for at least one, if not more follow ups.
You have 4F and 4M and Amy's aunt, no mention if she has a husband or not! There is also the option, via the website or other girls from school being added.
The fact these girls are sometimes leading the adults would not seem believable if they were younger, 18 year old's make it more so.
2021-08-13 20:05:58 First Impressions I hope you have plans for more chapters. Great story.