Comments from I am Inger

Date Story title Comment
2024-09-01 09:05:33 Boarded First rate good stuff! I do have a fondness for seeing a Mother and Daughter both knowing learning what each is going through. Pirates do exist, the story feels all the more touchable for it. This is the part the news reports leave out.
2024-09-01 09:11:29 Nightmare in October The suspense of waiting for Cheryl to come home, and the horror for her parents really reached me, Better than boarded in having Dad fully know what was happening to the women he failed to protect. Always protect that which you care about!
2024-09-05 19:32:03 Penelope 2: Just kill her and get it over with. Stay tuned @Lacey. Some of the variations are much longer, and yes much worse does happen. The original goal of just getting it over with fails because the impact of the act is just too exciting to resist.
2024-09-13 06:10:20 Penelope 4. Just choke her until it all stops My fantasies mostly don't deal with the reality of what happens afterwards. I do interact with the body a bit in Penelope 7 which recently published.