Comments from fuck bro

Date Story title Comment
2008-08-28 17:30:55 To SSB from Reader
2008-08-27 21:57:45
spaces are needed

What I meant SSB was spacing between each paragraph. Other wise it all it looks bunched up. Around the bottom you where starting to get it with spacing. I have written seven stories and working on more now and do enjoy reading your stories just haven't read one of your stories in quite a while.

- Fuck Bro
2008-10-09 11:48:53 Our New Neighbors - Ch01: Trevor Meets Alyssa sick story in a good way though can't wait for the next one.
2008-10-13 17:20:34 Unable to resist A sequel is in order for this story with the daughter discovering what her husband and mother are doing.
2008-11-22 13:13:51 Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 13 I like that whole idea that each story in this series seems to always have something new. I'll give you a 10/10
2008-11-24 20:49:07 Another great story and this time I read the whole thing on the first try.