Comments from SandyC

Date Story title Comment
2024-05-06 13:43:41 Sex toy? Sex slave? Sex queen? (6) My first time was with a dog. WoW Mike, thanks for the kind words. It's a great compliment from an author like you.
2024-05-10 13:57:56 Married to a monster 4 Thank you for commenting:) I will publish the rest soon.
2024-05-17 13:27:48 Married to a monster 10 - the end. Thank you. It was really fun to write the story and to read what you guys think about it. I enjoyed it:) I am surprised to meet so many nice people here at once:)
2024-05-17 13:28:22 Married to a monster 10 - the end. Thank you. It was really fun to write the story and to read what you guys think about it. I enjoyed it:) I am surprised to meet so many nice people here at once:)
2024-11-08 13:28:01 I would do anything for you Thank you.
Not everyone who wants to be a Master has the inner stability to be one.
Your comments are always inspiring:)