Comments from juggalette7281

Date Story title Comment
2008-07-24 16:01:56 My First_(1) it was a good story people its just someone writting what is in there head not to say they didnt do this but it is really good
2008-08-03 23:02:18 daddy please thank you and yes i have had a wild teen party life but not like this it is fiction and in three days there will be another story by me so stand by
2008-08-06 21:22:42 Horny at Hogwarts [5] yea average cock size for a white guy is 5 to 7 1/2 omchs nut blacks and puerto ricans have it bigger so dont tell me gurls cant fuck bigger the 7ich they probably faked it lol
2008-08-15 15:58:48 Wedding Night_(1) dam i didnt know people got off by punctation lol my spellcheck wasnt working