Comments from SirCumScribe

Date Story title Comment
2024-06-11 04:14:18 One Fine and Frisky Life Even after all the edits, I still found a bunch of minor mistakes and one GLARING, facepalm worthy, 'How the hell did I miss that!?'

I hope it didn't interfere with your experience. While scribbling this I used pictures inserted into the draft to highlight many of the scenes. Try that if you have time, you'll like it. It will also put YOU into the storyline and that's a lot of fun. Thank you for reading my stuff. Illysette and Cody have other sexy things in store for y'all. Stay tuned.
2024-06-15 09:30:41 Mom Builds me up Part 1 Good stuff. Technical chops make it an easy read. Engaging way of working a classic storyline. Emotional content (thinking of an early scene in Bruce Lee's 'Enter the Dragon')...Pacing is fine. Well done. Will happily read more of your work.
2024-06-17 06:20:11 Mom builds me up Part 2 I'm thrilled with your story. Fine, fine work. The various insights into the lead's insecurity, the artful way of expressing those, your technical chops regarding the basics of spelling, grammar, etc., are first rate. Rapidly becoming one of my favorite stories of all time. An easy, intoxicating read.

As a friendly, and interested, reader, I'd point out that sometimes 'Spell Check' doesn't recognize words which are, in fact, correctly spelled. Double check your 'editors'. Example: "... amazed at the site of my muscles tensing and how hot my cock looked in her mouth..." It's a small quibble but attention to detail is worth its weight in gold. I will definitely read more of your stuff and recommend it as well. Nice work.