Comments from Vanion_3000

Date Story title Comment
2008-08-20 01:16:15 A Hot Afternoon Whoever thinks this is a stand alone submission. WRONG. I fully intend to contiue the story, but at a future time. Right now I am putting the finishing touches on a new story. It is much longer that A Hot Afternoon, and one Hell of a lot HOTTER. It should be up with in the week depending on how long it takes to get validated. So wait for it. This one should curl just about anyones toes. Unless they are DEAD of course. LOL
2008-08-24 17:28:50 The Abduction And Training Of Kitty See! I told you this would be a hotter one that the first one I submitted, A Hot Afternoon.
Hope you enjoyed this one.
Have a great day!
2008-08-24 22:40:14 The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Hi people. I want to thank the last reader for his or her nice comment, but they stated they found typos. If someone does find something like that, please PM me and let me know where to find them in the story. Or at least leave your ID so I can ask you if I can't find them. I really didn't think there were any typos.
2008-08-25 03:35:54 The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Good point. I will keep that in mind. Thanks.
2008-11-16 23:11:35 If as you say, you simply re-wrote the story, and I agree with Phrenetic_ice on that, I seem to remember the sites mentioned if not the story specifically, you did an excellent job of re-writing it. Very well done.