Comments from Samantha James

Date Story title Comment
2008-12-11 04:54:01 Spin the Bottle_(0) A great and exciting story, it made me sooooooooooooooooo WET between my legs.. Thank You so much,, Samantha,, XXXXXX
2008-12-17 21:20:05 My sister Alicia Good storie,, Love family life
2008-12-17 21:34:35 Jia's Awakening, Ch 1 Great story,"", I LOVED IT""" Brings back memeories of when I was 15, Guess she didn't get to the party.. Hope she stayed over your place the next night???? Samantha xxxx
2008-12-19 23:36:01 Gaming Accident. Hey great TRUE story,, I'm glad you2 got it right and she got PREGNANT ,, this has made me so Happy for you both,, Samantha
2009-01-04 22:18:38 Confessions_(0) GREAT story,, made me so hot and horny this is your best thank you Samantha xxxx