Comments from Rachel Carnal

Date Story title Comment
2008-10-12 05:43:45 I CANNOT wait for Part 2. :)
2008-12-27 14:47:30 Just Friends Fantastic story, brings back quite a few memories of the time I fucked my best friend. Sometimes the best guy is the one closest to you. Awesome! ;)
2009-06-23 13:48:55 Oh God... yes...! I can honestly say that you just made my day. I've been looking for a story I can relate to for days but this.. THIS WAS PERFECT.

The guy I've been having fantasies about is a badass, just like Brian. He was my highsch crush, and I've seen him lately, and want to shag him BADLY. He has tattoos, is muscular, and is forever roaming around shirtless.

Perfect. Really. Thank you. Do write more. C: