Comments from inherhole

Date Story title Comment
2009-02-26 14:48:15 Pregnant lady Great story, when I was a young teen my mother asked me to go next door and find out if the pregnant woman need me to help her with anything. When I knocked at her door she open it with a see thru night gown on and asked me to come in. I told her that my mother wanted to know if she needed my help with anything and she said yes. We went into her bedroom and she asked me to give her a back rub. She took off her night gown and told me to get undressed also. As I sat on her ass with my cock between her cheeks I started to rub her back. I felt my cock starting to leak and slide and she told me to find a hole and fuck her. I found one and it was very tight and after getting in shot off right away. I stayed hard and lasted a good long while before cumming a second time. She had me come over even after her daughter was born and help with feed and than fucking her.
2010-03-28 13:19:35 Dirty Little Boys, Filthy Big Girls Nice story my sisters and I remember teaching our younger brothers how to please us. We all were very hairy and like mother had excessively large breasts. As they got older all our holes were open for their and our pleasures. As we were on birth control we were not bothered by getting pregnant. As we all married there wives joined our group of love but not our husbands. We all got pregnant by our brothers as did their wives by each other. For some strange reason they never were able to produce a boy from our unions unlike our husbands.
2010-09-27 14:56:38 My sister ius my lover. There were multipules in mother's family so her first were six one boy the rest girls. She was fifteen and the man left town so her mother helped her with the new borns. I started growing tall at ten and by twelve was almost seven foot tall. Mother liked to party so we were left alone on week-ends alot. This one week-end I was preparing dinner for us when my sisters all said that they were having cramps and were not hungry. I had skipped several grades and I told them that I knew how to get rid of their cramps. They all wanted to know so I told them to get undressed. As they did they were all wearing thick pads I told them to lay on their backs and that I would eat them all out. Their smell had turned me on and as I put my lips on the first cunt she screamed. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me tight to her cunt as my tongue went into her. Over the next several hours I had eaten them all out and their cramps were gone. They then proceeded to allow me to make love to them all.
2010-12-16 17:50:23 Sharing My Room With Sis Mother hated thunder storms and every time there was one she had me sleep with her. I was ten when we had the latest one and we were naked sleep together but this time it was different because I had a hard on and I felt it slipping into her cunt. I came before I was all the way in and mother felt me cumming on her. She said nothing rolled over onto her back and had me lay between her leg and I was still hard as she put my cock back into her cunt and told me to fuck her again. I did and this time we came together and this time I got her pregnant.
2011-05-11 15:51:05 My Wife Rose and the Stray Dog I am Joan40H and a simular thing happen to me in that I was at our local farmers market looking at their wares. I came upon a big black man that I knew from school. We had made out in school on several occasions and I had not seen him for several years. He told me that he had bought a farm and he invited me and my sisters out to visit him. When the fifteen of us got their we were not ready for how large it was. In highschool he had gotten between the legs of several of us so we sort of knew what was comming when we got there. We had dressed for the occasion by only wearing a dress and nothing else. He was well of the road and he was naked when we got their so off came our dresses. He had a large number of dogs that came right over to us and put their noises right into our cunt and started lapping.