2009-11-12 20:14:52 |
iCarly: iHave Sex
Hey everyone, its edog29. Thank you for all of your comments, and since there was a huge amount of positive response, i am proud to announce that there will be a part 2. It is currently being written, and stay tuned for its release. Thanks! |
2010-11-22 23:29:11 |
iCarly: iHave Sex
Hello readers. In case you don't know, iCarly: iHave Sex - Part 2 has officially been released. I apologize that it took so long. Check out Part 2 and tell me what you think. Enjoy! |
2010-11-22 23:29:41 |
iCarly: iHave Sex
Hello readers. In case you don't know, iCarly: iHave Sex - Part 2 has officially been released. I apologize that it took so long. Check out Part 2 and tell me what you think. Enjoy! |
2010-12-15 22:34:28 |
iCarly: iHave Sex
No, he's right. I totally stole that line from Watchmen. I'm a huge Watchmen fan and I really liked that line and wanted to use it. I wondered if anybody would notice, and some people clearly did. I apologize to Alan Moore and all of the Watchmen fans if I offended you in any way. |
2012-09-14 01:08:56 |
iCarly: iHave Sex
Hello everybody. It's me, edog29, the author of the iCarly iHave:Sex stories. I apologize for the delays between stories, but I've been busy with life. Anyways, I want to make a part 3. Any ideas? Your input would be much appreciated! |