Comments from AyaMikuko

Date Story title Comment
2008-11-04 19:00:19 KIDNAPPED_(2) ... wow... that was ... ... ... interesting? There were parts that made most of the ending predictable for me, but even I did not expect her to say "master." The mask part kind of gave it away though.
2011-04-13 00:58:25 Poor Sarah Pt 1 The people I'm worried about *points at an earlier post* are the people who can't distinguish between reality and fiction. Yes, some fiction are based on reality, but if you expect people to do the reverse... Then you are the one who actually needs help...
2011-06-14 00:23:34 Owning a Dominant Bitch - Complete Interesting story. I personally could do without the sex stuff, but it was well built into the story. I say keep it up. I of course didn't like the ending so much but it is rare that I find an ending that interests me