2010-12-25 15:13:47 |
Severed Lines
I've read this story elsewhere. I enjoyed it now just as much as the first time I read it. Thanks. |
2011-10-22 19:17:25 |
Klaatu Barada Nikto
The phrase is originally used in the 1951 science fiction film "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Anonymous reader at 2011-10-22, you are just displaying your limited experience and/or ignorance. How is use of the phrase a lack of originality? Will you now call the makers of "Evil Dead" unoriginal since they borrowed the phrase also? |
2016-12-14 04:16:51 |
Growing up Polygamy
Pretty good story so far. From what I have read of the polygamist sects in Utah is that the old farts find an excuse to banish the young men from the sect so they don't have to compete for the young women. |
2019-09-05 15:08:12 |
Trailer Trash Treats
Good story so far. Hope you continue it. |