Comments from Nnorthlander

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-28 02:10:02 Little Tommy_(1) To the "clinical sexologist"---this is a story, and like nearly all of the stories on this site there is absolutely no basis in reality. The very first tag is FICTION. That is what this story is. I wrote it because I thought others would enjoy it and most appear to. So take your psych 101 knowledge and fuck off. You don't know Me or anything about me.If you feel the need to further analyze me please send me a PM and I will tell you exactly how wrong you are. I also have to wonder what you would be doing reading a story about under age sex between young boys if the subject matter is so offensive to you. Perhaps you are the one that should seek help for your predilection for young boys...
2015-05-17 16:33:56 Little Tommy_(0) To the Anon posters who feel the need to reel me how sick and disturbed I am, how easy it must be for you to sit behind your little keyboards and feel big for letting me have it. I hope you wiped the cum off your hands after you finished reading it. Spooge can really mess up a keyboard.
As I said constructive criticism was welcome but I am turning off the comments as nothing constructive can come out of it.
I guess if I wrote about a 10 yo girl getting raped In a movie theatre repeatedly I would receive nothing but praise from you folks. But write about anything else and the flaming begins. I ant understand why if you don't like the subject matter you feel compelled to read anyways.

I am not a fan of animal sex so if I see beastiality in the tags I move on. I don't flame the person that wrote the story as sick and needing to to removed from this earth. As some have suggested .
But what do I know I'm just "arrogant".,A SICK FAGGOT COCKSUCKER" (Just don't tell my wife).
2015-06-10 02:41:58 Little Tommy part 2 Thank you all for the positive feedback. I am working on pt 3 but it takes a little time (should be done by the weekend) due to life getting in the way. Those who said the 6th paragraph was long, you are all correct it didn't seem so bad while I typed it, but was horrible once I saw it posted. I'll pay closer attention in the next part(s).