Comments from Freudian Slip

Date Story title Comment
2010-04-27 18:39:11 Not so little brother: Chapter 5 Thanks for all the comments everyone. Don't worry, there's more coming. It just a really long chapter to write.
2010-05-12 22:18:37 Not so little brother: Chapter 6 If you're gonna tell me you don't like it tell me why. Let me know what I can improve on.
2011-01-05 14:54:28 A Visit to the Ranch Not quite my thing but a great read.
2011-05-05 17:54:38 Not so little brother: Chapter 8 There will be at least one more chapter. How many? I haven't really planned that. Sorry for the delay but I've just moved and started a new job so I've been busy.
2011-10-31 22:37:16 Not so little brother: Chapter 8 I'm sorry it is taking me so long. My life has been incredibly busy and writing has taken a back seat. Add to that the fact that I lost most of my first draft of chapter 9 and the story is way behind. I really do apologize but I do intend to finish it soon enough. Until then, cheers. :)