Comments from axsiter

Date Story title Comment
2010-12-10 14:24:13 Ichigo Fang ( The Offical Version) It was ok until Tommy did was was physically due to the foot long cock!
2011-06-13 15:56:25 Caught in the act_(0) It gave me an erection!
2011-06-23 14:12:10 My older brothers friend Good story! I enjoyed it very much! I have an erection I am going to take care of as soon as i finish typing this comment! Can't wait til next installment
2011-06-27 16:06:13 do me a favor?_(0) I enjoyed your story! I sucked my best friends cock when we were about 14 years old. I used a similar method to get him to agree to allow me to suck his cock.
2011-07-03 15:38:03 twins n best buds_(1) A good start! I am also a twin but much much older. Your story sounds a lot like mine but my brother and i started at an earlier age.