Comments from eckal

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-06 16:19:09 Up My Sisters Bum Emberto has been missing from the internet for many months now and if you look on the linked website, Ernesto clearly states as long as credit is given, the story can be shared.

Next time try visiting the website before you make comments about stolen stories!
2012-04-06 16:19:46 Up My Sisters Bum If you were serious, you wouldnt hide behind Anonymous comments!
2012-04-06 16:21:01 Deflowered By Sis Thanks for all the positive comments, If Ernesto was still messageable I would pass them on, but Ernesto has been missing from the internet for a while now. Pity.
2012-04-06 16:24:47 Christmas Part 2 Unfortunely, Ernesto has not posted a third chapter, and as it seems Ernesto has dissapeared from the internet, I am afraid there wont be one coming.
2012-05-09 22:01:02 Housesitting: Day 0 - Ch. 8: Brother-Sister Bonding amazing! hope for another part!