Comments from FutureErotic

Date Story title Comment
2010-06-11 09:11:51 Vindictus, The Dark Lord (Parts 1 & 2) I truly enjoyed this story, it is a very good plot with interesting and funny characters. Not only that it is very hot lol amazing story. I cant wait to read some more of your stories.
2010-08-23 07:46:10 Raping a young bitch bull shit this is a true story, you would have left behind to much evidence and got caught even if you did know where she lived. but not a bad "fictional" story.
2011-04-12 07:43:40 Golf Outing ok if ur actually thinking about the technical weight and size of these girls then ur a friggen moron, who cares if the weight and hight dnt match it was a very sexy story