Comments from Sorchak

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-11 02:33:49 Being More Social - Chapter 2 Really enjoying your series. And don't worry about the build up. Most people just jump into the sex. You're using a good amount of build up to it. I love it man. Keep it up, can't wait for part 3,4,5 or how ever many you make it. It's one of those series you don't want to end...
2014-09-29 01:40:50 Being More Social - Chapter 8 So, obviously Nicole isn't as in love with Adam as he thought. Nor is she much of a friend. If it was me, I'd leave her alone. Be polite when he unavoidably runs into her, but other than that, don't acknowledge her existence at all, unless and until she does something about it. No texts, no phone calls, nothing. Agonize about it before falling asleep, but that's it.

As for May, write her a letter and apologize. And do the same as with Nicole. Any further contact is to be initiated by her (May).

Last but not least, have him stop being such a controlling dick with Megan. She seems to be a nice girl; he doesn't need to make her his sex slave, no matter if she gets off on it. It's WAY too early for that kind of thing.
2015-01-09 17:13:26 Why dont boys like me? 2 I didn't like this one as much as the first. It was too rushed; there are several glaring errors. First, she would NOT be having sex mere hours after having an abortion. Second, her third time giving head, and she can take his cock into her throat, WITHOUT any reaction? Third, where did he get the beer from? And finally, lots of punctuational mistakes. For the third part, take your time and get it right.