Comments from dbaliki918

Date Story title Comment
2010-11-03 00:29:17 My 2 favorite dirty jokes Wats the difference between getting a blowjob from an old lady and bungee jumping?

They both feel good until u look down.
2010-12-06 01:36:29 Good night Kiss Dude, all u did was repost my joke...
2010-12-08 00:52:00 FIRST TIME NAKED WITH MOM Awesome story dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to those who want to involve pregnancy, that would just kill the story...
2010-12-11 23:54:13 Winter Neighbor Pt. 3 Dude. These stories are fuckin awesome. Please part 4 :p
2010-12-26 02:45:33 Good night Kiss Thank you 4 the recognition anonymous reader 2010-11-21 11:10:18. Tongue game right just reposted my joke.

Tongue, you could have at least put some effort and changed the words a bit. U took it word per word... So lolz