Comments from The_Dork_Knight
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-02-27 12:44:35 | Little boy learns sex | For those wondering just how old this joke is, I first heard it over 20 years ago. |
2012-06-09 04:24:31 | The Ten of Them. Chapter 1 | Good premise, but quite a lot of grammatical errors. A good way to deal with that would be to go over your story after you finish writing it. A lot of times when people write quickly, they make mistakes. Mistakes that can easily be fixed by taking ten minutes to proof read before posting. I know that when I write, I tend to make plenty of mistakes, which is why I know that going back and reading what I have written when I'm done allows me to spot the mistakes and fix them before posting it online. Oh, and ignore all the trolls that talk shit. They're just jealous that their brains are smaller than an ants balls and can't write a story of their own. |
2015-12-05 08:39:11 | Living In Dayton Town chapter 1_(1) | A good start, but as someone else said, we need some background. Why do all the women in the town look the way they do? Aside from his size, what makes Jack so special? I mean, he can't be the only guy in town with a big dick which will make all the women want to fuck him. As for future chapters, I'd love to see one where Jack is "invited" to an all girl slumber party where he spends the entire night fucking and knocking up all the girls there. |
2016-06-09 21:07:16 | Prom Night_(1) | A really good and well written story. I especially loved the last line at the end. It made me laugh. |
2017-01-17 01:28:01 | Dave His Mom And The Zombies | Interesting... Though, I have to admit that I liked it better the first time I read it as a Milftoon comic. Don't be a story thief. |