Comments from Perverted_Abyss

Date Story title Comment
2014-04-10 07:42:00 How I became Captain of the Highschool Swim Team Part 2 Due to the amount of spam messages anonymous comments seem to generate, I have unfortunately had to disable them. You are welcome to leave a rating, and I hope you enjoyed part 2 of this story. I hope to continue it soon, and I have many plans for how the story will unfold, even after they become captains. Feel free to leave me a private message if you liked the story, or even if you didn't like it. Feedback is always welcome. Cheers :)
2014-02-21 10:58:38 How I became Captain of the Highschool Swim Team (Revised) Working on part 2 now, no set ETA on it yet though. I plan on it being longer than the first part, and hopefully more detailed and with more well rounded characters. If you liked/disliked the first part PM me and let me know what you thought.