Comments from biguy10

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-01 22:43:32 Me and My Cousin Part 3 Well will it or will it not? That is the question
2011-06-02 17:56:28 Me and My Cousin Part 2_(1) 1st. Thank you...
2nd I will get better on the discriptions as the stories go on
3rd. That was my mistake I was meaning to post it as a true story but I had a stoke of brilliance and accidentialy posted it under fiction. SORRY!
2011-06-25 11:54:43 During A Snow Storm: sequel to Fishing With Abby too many people complaining about spelling errors, so I just fixed them and re-uploaded. Its it the intro! :)
2011-07-07 14:50:45 Fishing with Abby Wtf! Who the hell lit the fuse on your tampon??
2011-08-11 13:46:57 Me and My Cousin part 5 Not gonna give the ending away but FYI... i hate UN-happy endings